These 7 Things Could Mean You Are A Crazy Cat Lady

You hear the term Crazy Cat Lady all the time - we even have clothing you can buy with the phrase on it.
BUT...are you really a crazy cat lady or do you just love cats a lot!
If you answer yes to most of these it's likely that you can call yourself a Crazy Cat Lady with pride.
These 7 Things Could Mean You Are A Crazy Cat Lady
1. Your house is full of things with cats on. Mugs, pictures, towels, badges, bags, pj's, ornaments - you name it there is a cat on it. And don't forget the phone full of cat pictures you have.
2. Your cats have beds in every room of the house - but they mostly prefer to sleep with you (if you get any room in your own bed once they stretch out!).
3. You talk to your cats at every given opportunity. And long conversations - not just a quick hello.
4. You sign cards to friends from you and your cat. You consider them your most important family member
5. Your cat has their own social media channels where you update their movements throughout the day. And you dream of them being insta famous!
6. You will sit for hours without moving (sometimes getting a pain in your leg!)...just so you don't disturb your sleeping cat.
7. All your friends must be cat lovers and be happy to talk cats all the time. If they don't like cats it's unlikely you will become friends.
So how many did you answer yes to?
0-3 - You definitely love cats a lot - but we think there are room for other things in your life.
4-6 - You take your role as cat mom very seriously. You love of cats is very strong and you consider yourself a cat lady.
7 - You are a true crazy cat lady and you are proud of it. Cat loving is what you do best!
Do you qualify to be called a Crazy Cat Lady š»š